Grossmann fantastic film & wine festival 2022
18. Grossmannov festival fantastičnega filma in vina | 2022
9. – 10. julij, Ormož / 12. – 16. julij, Ljutomer
Na več prizoriščih v Ljutomeru in Ormožu vas bo spet pričakal nabor izjemnih žanrskih filmov iz vsega sveta. Grossmannov festival bo letos potekal v znamenju Freddyja Kruegerja. Na 18. festivalsko edicijo namreč prihajata častna gosta Robert Englund in Jack Sholder. Filmski program bo postregel še s posebnim poklonom stoti obletnici filma Nosferatu, retrospektivo korejskega grozljivega filma ter izborom najboljših aktualnih žanrskih filmov z vsega sveta. Več gostov in celoten filmski program bomo razkrili v naslednjih tednih.
Festival bo tudi letos ponujal pester program delavnic, vinskih degustacij, glasbenih dogodkov, brezplačno kampiranje, parado zombijev in še mnogo več!
Za osupljivo vizualno podobo je ponovno poskrbel Ivica Stevanović.
Torej vabljeni na 18. edicijo Grossmannovega festivala fantastičnega filma in vina! Kjer so tudi nočne more… zabavne. | @grossmannfest
18th Grossmann fantastic film & wine festival | 2022
9 – 10 July, Ormož / 12 – 16 July, Ljutomer
Once again, a selection of exquisite genre films from all around the world awaits you at venues in Ljutomer and Ormož. This year’s Grossmann Festival will be in the sign of Freddy Krueger. Namely, our upcoming 18th edition will host guests of honor Robert Englund and Jack Sholder. Our film program will also feature a special tribute to the 100th anniversary of Nosferatu, South Korean horror film retrospective, and a selection of some of the best current genre films from all around the world. More guests and full film program will be revealed shortly.
The festival will once again offer workshops, wine tastings, concerts, free camping, Zombie Walk and a lot more!
The amazing festival poster and other visuals are once again taken care of by Ivica Stevanović.
So, see you at the 18th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival! Where even nightmares are fun! | @grossmannfest